Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Disaster Management Act (No. 13 of 2005) - Sect 21

Designation of appropriate organizations

(1) Whenever the Council considers it appropriate, the Council may designate any Ministry, Government Department, Public Corporation or the Disaster Management Centre as an appropriate organization (in this Act referred to as an "appropriate organization") which will be required to carry out and implement the National Disaster Management Plan or the National Emergency Operation Plan, as the case may be, and generally assist the Council in the discharge of its functions.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), an appropriate organization shall also be required to perform any duties that it may be called upon to do under subsection (1) of section 12, and in general to assist the Council in the discharge of its functions under this Act.
(3) The Council shall determine and specify the functions which an appropriate organization should discharge in order to carry out and implement the respective plans referred to in subsection (1), and where necessary issue guidelines for the same.
(4) Where an appropriate organization is designated by the Council under subsection (1), the Council shall by Order published in the Gazette, specify the area or areas in which each such appropriate organizations, shall carry out its implementation activities.
(5) An appropriate organization may exercise its powers under this Act, only through such of its officers as are especially assigned in writing in that behalf by such organization.

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