Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Disaster Management Act (No. 13 of 2005) - Sect 22

Delegation of powers, duties and functions by the Chairman

(1) The Chairman may, subject to such conditions as may be specified in writing delegate all or any of his powers, duties or functions under this Act to any member or officer of the Council.
(2) Notwithstanding any such delegation under subsection (1) , the Chairman may exercise, perform or discharge any power, duty or function so delegated.
(3) A member or an officer of the Council to whom any power, duty or function has been delegated under subsection (1) shall, in the exercise, performance or discharge of such power, duty or function, comply with such directions or conditions as the Chairman may from time to time communicate in writing to such member or officer, as the case may be.
(4) A member or an officer of the Council to whom any power, duty or function has been delegated under subsection (1) shall have the power to do, all acts and things that are incidental to the power, duty or function that is so delegated.

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