Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Institute Of Taxation(Incorporation) Act (No. 21 of 2000) - Sect 3

General objects of Corporation

(1) The general objects for which that Corporation is the established are hereby declared to be "
(a) to create awareness in the field of taxation among the members of the public and to promote and advance the study of the law and practice of taxation and the principles of economic and political science in relation to taxation and public finance :
(b) to hold examinations and to grant certificates to persons who have satisfied the Examiners and the Council of the Corporation as to their knowledge and ability in the subject of taxation ;
(c) to formulate a code of conduct to he observed by the members of the Corporation for the purposes of regulating the professional conduct of its members ;
(d) to promote and co-ordinate the dissemination of tax awareness and knowledge with the respective revenue authorities of Sri Lanka :
(e) to facilitate the exchange of information and views on taxation and the creation of a well informed public opinion on the subject :
(f) to provide opportunities for the acquisition and dissemination of useful information concerning taxation in Sri Lanka and other countries :
(g) to make recommendations to the Government for the improvement or simplification of the tax law and practice and to highlight anomalies in laws relating to taxation and to comment on proposed changes in the laws.

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