Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Institute Of Taxation(Incorporation) Act (No. 21 of 2000) - Sect 4

Powers of the Corporation

4. The Corporation shall have the power :
(a) to conduct and provide for the conduct of qualifying examinations for membership of the Corporation and approve courses of study for such examinations ;
(b) to supervise and regulate the registration of students and the course of training for such registered students and determine the duration of such courses of training ;
(c) to determine the fees to be paid in respect of registration of the different categories of membership ;
(d) to maintain and publish a register of the members of the Corporation ;
(e) to secure the maintenance of professional standards among members of the Corporation and to take such steps as may be necessary to acquaint themselves with the methods and practices necessary to maintain such standards ;
(f) to maintain a library of books and periodicals relating to taxation and to encourage the publication of such books and periodicals in Sri Lanka ;
(g) to print and publish any newspapers, periodicals. journals, books, examination papers, circulars or leaflets that are deemed desirable for the promotion of the objects of the Corporation ;
(h) to carry out and encourage research in Sri Lanka in the field of taxation and other related subjects and generally to promote the tax education of students registered with the Corporation and secure advancement of tax practitioners and academics ;
(i) to approve schemes for any practical training to be followed by the registered students ;
(j) to award certificates, diplomas and other awards to registered students who have, successfully passed the relevent examinations to the satisfaction of the Council ;
(k) to open, operate and close bank accounts ;
(l) to borrow or raise money with or without security ;
(m) to receive or collect grants and donations ;
(n) to invest its funds ;
(o) to employ, engage, dismiss or exercise disciplinary control over its officers and .servants :
(p) to carry out any other acts considered necessary for the achieving of the objects of the Corporation ,
(q) to formulate a code of conduct for the members of the Corporation.

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