Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Library Association (Incorporation) Law (No. 20 of 1974) - Sect 6

Powers and duties of the Council

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Law and the rules of the Corporation, the Council shall have the following powers and duties: -
(a) to constitute standing and other Committees as the Council deems necessary;
(b) to make recommendations to the Corporation in respect of the making of rules and of additions, alterations and amendments to and the rescission of existing rules;
(c) to determine the common seal of the Corporation and to after it when necessary;
(d) to consider and. adopt, with amendments when necessary, the annual report and the financial estimates of the Corporation;
(e) to summon special and annual general meetings of the Corporation;
(f) to award fellowships and associateships of the Corporation;
(g) to expel any member from membership of the Corporation for conduct unbecoming of and prejudicial to the interests of the Corporation on the recommendation of the Executive Committee and to withdraw any fellowship or associateship awarded to such member by the Corporation;
(h) to create posts of paid officers and servants of the Corporation and to determine the emoluments payable to them and the terms and conditions of their service;
(i) to award scholarships and. to create special funds for the purpose;
(j) for the purposes of the educational programme of the Corporation, to recognize and accredit library schools or courses established or conducted by private institutions;
(k) to advise any person or institution in the recognition and accreditation of library schools, courses and examinations in librarianship established or conducted by private Institutions and on any other matter relating to the profession of librarians;
(l) to determine the fees to be paid by the Corporation to examiners, lecturers, and to persons preparing correspondence courses in librarianship for the Corporation;
(m) to determine membership, tuition, examination and other fees payable to the Corporation;
(n) to establish, recognize and register professional groups and regional sections of the Corporation; and
(o) to do or perform any other act or duty authorized or imposed upon the Council by this Law or by the rules of the Corporation.
(2) The Council shall have power to exercise all rights and perform all duties notwithstanding any vacancy for the time being in the composition of the Council.

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