Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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State Lands (Recovery Of Possession) Act (No. 7 of 1979) - Sect 18


18. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires " competent authority " used in relation to any land means the Government Agent, an Additional Government Agent or an Assistant Government Agent of the district in which the land is situated and includes
(a) the General Manager of Railways, where such land is under the control of the Railway Department;
(b) the Commissioner for National Housing, where such land is under the control of the Department of National Housing ;
(c) the Commissioner of Local Government, where such land is under the control of a local authority ; and
(d) any other public officer authorized by the Government Agent in respect of any matter or provision of this Act;
" dependant", in relation to a person in possession or occupation of State land, means any person who is dependent on the person in possession or occupation, whether as spouse, child or otherwise, and includes any other person who is permitted by the person in possession or occupation to hold or occupy such land; " local authority " means any Municipal Council, Urban Council, Town Council or Village Council and includes any Authority created and established by or under any law to exercise, perform and discharge powers, duties and functions corresponding to or similar to the powers, duties and functions exercised, performed and discharged by any such Council; "Mahaweli Development Board" means the Mahaweli Development Board established under the Mahaweli Development Board Act, No. 14 of 1970 ; "police officer" means a member of the Police Force established by law and includes any Grama Seva Niladhari empowered in writing by the Government Agent to perform police duties ; " River Valleys Development Board" means the River Valleys Development Board established under the River Valleys Development Board Act; and " State land " means land to which the State is lawfully entitled or which may be disposed of by the State together with any building standing thereon, and with all rights, interests and privileges attached or appertaining thereto, and includes land vested in or under the control of the River Valleys Development Board and the Mahaweli Development Board or any other authority charged with the function of developing State land or any local authority.

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