Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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State Lands (Recovery Of Possession) Act (No. 7 of 1979) - Sect 5

Effect of non-compliance with a quit notice

(1) Where any person in unauthorized possession or occupation of any State land fails to comply with the pro visions of section 4 (b) in respect of any quit notice issued or exhibited or purporting to have been issued or exhibited under this Act, any competent authority (whether he is or not the competent authority who issued or exhibited such notice) may make an application in writing in the Form B set out in the Schedule to this Act to the Magistrate's Court within whose local jurisdiction such land or any part thereof is situated
(a) setting forth the following matters
(i) that he is a competent authority for the purposes of this Act,
(ii) that the land described in the schedule to the application is State land,
(iii) that a quit notice was issued on the person in possession or occupation of such land or was exhibited in a conspicuous place in or upon such land.
(iv) that such person named in the application is in unauthorized possession or occupation of such land and has failed to comply with the provisions of the aforesaid paragraph (b) of section 4 in respect of such notice relating to such land, and
(b) praying for the recovery of possession of such land and for an order of ejectment of such person in possession or occupation and his dependants, if any, from such land.
(2) Every such application under subsection (1) shall be supported by an affidavit in the Form C set out in the Schedule to this Act verifying to the matters set forth in such application and shall be accompanied by a copy of the quit notice.
(3) Every application supported by an affidavit and accompanied by a copy of the quit notice under the preceding provisions of this section shall be referred to as an " application for ejectment".
(4) No stamp duties shall be payable for any application for ejectment.

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