Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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State Lands (Recovery Of Possession) Act (No. 7 of 1979) - Sect 6

Magistrate to issue notice on person named in application to show cause

(1) Upon receipt of the application made under section 5. the Magistrate shall forthwith issue summons on the person named in the application to appear and show cause on the date specified in such summons (being a date not later than two weeks from the date of issue of such summons) why such person and his dependants, if any, should not be ejected from the land as prayed for in the application for ejectment.
(2) The provisions contained in Chapter II of the Administration of Justice Law, No. 44 of 1973, shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the issue of summons referred to in subsection (1) and the service thereof and other steps necessary for securing the attendance of the person summoned.

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