Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act (No. 51 of 1979) - Sect 2

Ports to which this Act applies

(1) this Act shall apply, in, to, and in relation to, the ports of Colombo, Galle,Trincomalee, and other Port, as may be declared hereafter by the minister by Order published in the Gazette to be a Port to which this Act shall apply.
(2) the ports to, and in relation to which this act shall apply are hereafter in this act referred to as "specified Ports".
(3) The Minister may by Order published in the Gazette, from time to time, define the limits of any specified port.
(4) Until an Order is made under subsection (3) in relation to any specified port, the limits of the specified ports on the day immediately preceding the appointed date shall be the limits of the specified ports with the exclusion of
(a) the areas within limits defined for ports declared as Naval Ports under the Navy Act; and
(b) land, buildings and other properties of the Sri Lanka Customs within the limits of the specified ports.

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