Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act (No. 51 of 1979) - Sect 67


(1) The Minister may make regulations in respect of matters required by this Act to be prescribed or in respect of which regulations are authorized to be made and in particular in respect of all or any of the following matters:-
(a) the allocation of the berths and stations to be occupied by vessels, and the removal of vessels from any berth, station or anchorage, and the time within which such removal shall be effected;
(b) the manner in which, and the conditions subject to which, the loading and discharging of vessels shall be carried out, and the changing of the position of vessels loading or discharging ;
(c) the keeping of free passages of such width as is deemed necessary within the limits of any specified port and along or near, the wharfs, docks, moorings and other similar works in or adjoining the same and the marking out of the places to be kept free;
(d) the anchoring, fastening, mooring, unmooring and warping of all vessels, and the use of their motive power, warps, moorings, buoys, chains and other equipment and the granting of permission on such conditions as the Ports Authority may deem fit, for the keeping or placing of, private moorings or buoys;
(e) the regulation of traffic ashore, afloat and in the air, the prevention of obstruction and the keeping of order on wharfs and in the harbour and the ensuring of the safety in the port premises of any cargo thereon, port works and equipment;
(f) the regulation of the use of fires and light and illuminations and the signals to be used or measures to be taken in case of fire ;
(g) the enforcement and regulation of the use of navigation lights, signals and signal lights by vessels and the steps to be taken for avoiding collision by vessels navigating in the waters of any specified port or the approaches thereto ;
(h) the information to be supplied by the masters, owners or other persons in charge of vessels in respect of the arrival and departure of vessels, and of goods loaded or discharged at the wharfs and premises of the Ports Authority, and the time and manner in which such information shall be supplied;
(i) the regulation of the use by vessels of whistles, sirens and other like instruments ;
(j) the prohibition of chipping, scaling, noisy work or underwater repairs on vessels or the breaking up of vessels except at such places and at such times and by such persons as may be specified;
(k) the safe and convenient use of the wharfs, docks and premises vested in the Ports Authority or under its control, and of any ferry services maintained or controlled by the Authority;
(l) the arrangements and the conditions relating to the reception, storage and removal of goods within and from the premises of the Ports Authority and the prescribing of the procedure to be followed in respect of the taking charge of goods which have been damaged before landing or alleged to have been so damaged;
(m) the loading, discharging and storage of dangerous goods within the limits of any specified ports, the classification of goods as dangerous goods and the regulation of navigation and the place of berthing of vessels carrying dangerous goods ;
(n) the regulation of the mode of stowing and keeping dangerous goods on board vessels carrying dangerous goods within any specified port;
(o) the prohibition or the restriction of the conveyance of any kind of dangerous goods with any other kind of goods or articles on vessels within any specified port;
(p) the handling of petroleum, petroleum products and lubricating oil to and from vessels and between depots and bunkers in or around any specified port;
(q) the regulation and issue of licences to organisations or individuals who provide engineering, surveying, ship candling, ship repairing, clearing, forwarding and similar services in any specified port;
(r) the establishment and administration of a provident fund with the concurrence of the Minister in charge of the subject of Labour, a reward fund and a fines fund ;
(s) the prevention of theft of, pilferage of or damage to, or the commission of nuisance on, any property owned, used or being handled by the Ports Authority ;
(t) the safety of employees of the Ports Authority and of port users in any specified port;
(u) the prevention of damage to or pollution of premises of the Ports Authority and the pollution of the water in the harbours of any specified port:
(v) the establishment and operation of ports security service to protect cargo, equipment and property of the Ports Authority to assist in. maintaining law and order within the premises of specified ports and to enforce the provisions of this Act ;
(w) the loading, unloading and transhipment of cargo, including tallying ;
(x) the regulation of the entry of persons and vehicles, and goods to and the regulation of their movement within specified ports.
(2) Every regulation made by the Minister shall be published in the Gazette and shall come into operation on the date of such publication or on such later date as may be specified in the regulation.
(3) Every regulation made by the Minister shall, as soon as convenient after its publication in the Gazette, be brought before Parliament for approval
(4) Any regulation which is not so approved, shall be deemed to be rescinded as from the date of disapproval but without prejudice to anything previously done thereunder.
(5) The date on which any regulation shall be deemed to be rescinded shall be published in the Gazette.

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