Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act (No. 51 of 1979) - Sect 73

Bonded warehouse

(1) Where any warehouse of the Ports Authority is approved and appointed as a bonded warehouse under any written law for the time being in force, the Authority shall give such security as is required, in that written law for the payment of such import duty as is payable in respect of the goods stored in such bonded warehouse or for the due exportation of such goods.
(2) Where such security has been given by the Ports Authority further security shall not be required by the Government or any other person to the same effect.
(3) Any person being or having the powers of, a revenue officer under any written law fur the time being in force shall, for the performance of his duties at all times be admitted to all parts of any specified port including those parts of the premises approved and appointed as a bonded warehouse, and he shall be permitted to inspect the books kept in connection therewith and the stocks therein.

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