Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act (No. 51 of 1979) - Sect 74

Contracts of the Ports Authority

74. The Ports Authority may in accordance with such rules as may be made by the Authority enter into such contracts as are necessary for the discharge of its functions, and in the case of contracts for the supply of goods or material or for the execution of works, such rules shall-
(a) as far as is practicable and except as otherwise therein provided, require that notice of the intention to enter into such contracts shall be published and tenders invited ; and
(b) specify the manner in which such notice shall be published and tenders invited:
Provided that a person entering into a contract with the Ports Authority shall not be bound to inquire whether such rules have been complied with, and all such contracts, if otherwise valid, shall have full force and effect notwithstanding that the rules applicable thereto have not been complied with.

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