Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka State Trading Corporations Act (No. 33 of 1970) - Sect 30

Compulsory transfer to the Corporation of certain property

(1) The Minister may, by Order (in this Act referred to as a " vesting Order ") published in that Gazette, vest in the Corporation, with effect from suet date as shall be specified in the Order, any such notified property as has not been disclaimed by a notice of disclaimer.
(2) Before a vesting Order takes effect, the Minister may from time to time, after consultation with the Board of Directors, alter, by Order published in the Gazette, the date on which such vesting Order takes effect.
(3) A vesting Order shall have the effect of giving the Corporation absolute title to any property specified in the Order with effect from the date specified therein and free from all encumbrances.

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