Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sri Lanka State Trading Corporations Act (No. 33 of 1970) - Sect 31

Requisitioning of notified property for the purpose of the Corporation

(1) The Minister may by Order (in this Act referred to as a u requisitioning Order 5 published in the Gazette, requisition, with effect from such date as shall be specified in the Order, any notified property as is movable or immovable property in order that it may be temporarily used by the Corporation for the purposes of any Specified Business of the Corporation.
(2) Before a requisitioning Order takes effect the Minister may from time to time, after consultation with the Board of Directors, alter, by Order published in the Gazette, the date on which such requisitioning Order takes effect.
(3) A requisitioning Order shall have the effect of authorizing the Corporation, with effect from the date specified in the Order, to take possession of the property specified in the Order and to use such property temporarily for the purposes of any Specified Business of the Corporation.
(4) Where any property is requisitioned by a requisitioning Order, the Minister may, by Order (hereafter in this Act referred to as " derequisitioning Order ") published in the Gazette, derequisition such property with effect from such date as shall be specified in the derequisitioning Order.
(5) Before a derequisitioning Order takes effect, the Minister may from time to time, after consultation with the Board of Directors, alter, by Order published in the Gazette, the date on which such derequisitioning Order takes effect.
(6) Where, immediately before the date on which any property is requisitioned for the Corporation, a person, other than the owner of such property, was entitled to possession of such property under the terms of any lease, that lease shall be deemed for all purposes to have expired on that date.
(7) Where any property is derequisitioned by a derequisitioning Order, such Order shall be deemed to have the effect of reviving any lease subsisting on the date on which the property was requisitioned, and any question which may arise as to any right, title or interest, in or over that property shall be determined accordingly.

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