Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Weights And Measures (Amendment) Act (No. 16 of 1979) - Sect 6

Amendment of Parts I, II, III, IV, XII, and XIII of the Second Schedule to the principal enactment

6. The Second Schedule to the principal enactment, as amended by Law No. 24 of 1974, is hereby further amended as follows :-
(1) in Part 1 thereof, in item 1 of that Part, by the addition at the head of each of the columns headed "Multiplication factors," "Prefix" and "SI Symbol" respectively of the following :-
(2) in Part 11 thereof under the heading " 2-MEASURE- MENT OF LENGTH" in item "2.1 Other Metric Units ", by the substitution for all the words and figures " 1 centimetre-1/100th of a metre, of the words and figures, " 1 centimetre, Symbol cm- 1/100th of a metre ";
(3) in Part 111 thereof, under the heading " 3-MEASURE- MENT OF AREA"
(a) in item "3.1 SI Units "
(i) by the substitution, for the words " Square metre-The superficial area of a square each side of which measures 1 metre ", of the words " Square metre, Symbol-m2--The superficial area of a square each side of which measures 1 metre " ;
(ii) by the substitution, for the words and figures " Square kilometre-1 000 000 square metres ", of the words and figures " Square kilometre, Symbol--km2-1 000 000 square metres " ; and
(iii) by the substitution, for the Words and figures " Square millimetre-1/1000 000th of a square metre" , of the words and figures " Square millimetre, Symbol-mm2--1/1000 000th of a square metre "
(b) in item " 3.2 Other Metric Units " -
(i) by the substitution, for the words and figures " Hectare-100 ares-10 000 square metres ", of the words and figures " Hectare, Symbol, has 100 ares-10 000 square metres " ;
(ii) by the substitution, for the words and figures " Are-100 square metres ", of the words and figures " Are, Symbol, a-100 square metres "
(iii) by the substitution, for the words and figures " Square decimetre-100 square metres ", of the words and figures " Square decimetres Symbol, dm2-100 square metres ; and
(iv) by the substitution, for the words and figures "Square centimetre-1/10000th of a square metre ", of the words and figures " Square centimetre, Symbol, cm2 -1 /10 000th of a square metre " ;
(4) in Part IV thereof, under the heading " 4-MEASURE MENT OF VOLUME OR CAPACITY"-
(a) in item " 4.1 S1 Units " , by the substitution, for the words and figures " Cubic metre--A volume equal to that of a cube each edge of which measures 1 metre", of the words and figures " Cubic metre, Symbol, m3- volume equal to that of a cube each edge of which measures 1 metre " ;
(b) in item " 4.2 Other Metric Units :"
(i) by the substitution, for the words and figures " Hecto litre - 100 litres (100 cubic decimetres) = 1/10th of a cubic metre " , of the words and figures " Hecto litre, Symbol, h1 = 100 litres (100 cubic decimetres) = 1/10th of a cubic metre " ;
(ii) by the substitution, for the words and figures "Cubic decimetre = 1 /1000th of a cubic metre", of the words and figures " cubic decimetre, Symbol, dm3 - 1/1 000th of a cubic metre " ;
(iii) by the substitution, for the words and figures " Litre " = 1 cubic decimetre = 1/1 000th of a cubic metre ", of the words and figures " Litre, Symbol, 1 = 1' cubic decimetre 1/1 000th of a cubic metre ";
(iv) by the substitution, for the words and figures '"Cubic centimetre = 1/100 000th of a cubic metre ", of the words and figures " Cubic centimetre, Symbol, cc- 1/1000 000th of a cubic, metre " ; find
(v) by the substitution, for the words and figures " Centilitre == 1 /100th of a litre = 1/100 000th cubic metre ", of the words and figures " Centilitre, Symbol, cl = 1/100th of a litre = 1/100 000th cubic metre " ;
(5) in PART XII thereof, by the substitution for item 12.1 of the following new item :- " 12.1 Activity: The S1 unit of nuclear activity is the becquerel (Symbol, bq). The becquerel is the activity of a radioactive source in which one nuclear transformation or transition occurs per second- Bq = S-1 " ; and
(6) in PART XIII thereof, by the substitution for item '13.2' of the following new item :

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