Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Registration Of Title Act (No. 21 of 1998) - Sect 24

Order of Court

24. Where a reference has been made under section 21, or an appeal preferred under section 22 to a District Court the District Court, may, after due inquiry make one or more of the following orders"
(a) order of Declaration of Title in accordance with section 14, in favour of a claimant to the whole land parcel claimed or to a divided portion of such land parcel, provided such divided portion does not fall below the prescribed minimum extent;
(b) order for the sale, among the claimants of the whole land parcel or a divided portion of the land parcel, provided such divided portion does not fall below the prescribed minimum extent ;
(c) Order costs of action as the Court deems appropriate payable by each or any of the claimants.

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