Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Registration Of Title Act (No. 21 of 1998) - Sect 25

Commission to Surveyor-General

(1) On a reference or appeal made to a District Court under the provisions of this Act, such Court shall issue a Commission to the Surveyor-General to conduct such additional surveys and for the amendment of cadastral maps as are necessary to give effect to the order of such Court.
(2) The Surveyor-General shall carry out such Commission and make his return to the Commission and transmit to the District Court a detailed report pertaining to the action taken by him together with a bill of costs.
(3) The District Court shall, on receipt, of such return to Commission, order the payment by the claimants of the survey fees as indicated in the bill of costs forwarded by the Surveyor- General.
(4) The District Court where it has ordered a sale shall issue a commission for such sale to a Licensed Auctioneer. Such auctioneer shall proceed to conduct the sale in such manner as prescribed and make his return to commission.
(5) On receipt of such return to commission, the District Court shall make order for the deposit by the person who has tendered the highest bid of purchase money and the auctioneer's fees in Court.
(6) On the deposit of the survey fees, purchase money and auctioneer's fees, the District Court shall"
(a) order"
(i) the payment of survey fees to the Surveyor-General ;
(ii) disbursement of the purchase money among the claimants concerned in accordance with their claims; and
(iii) the payment of auctioneer's fees to the Licensed Auctioneer concerned ;
(b) enter decree determining title to the parcels of land adjudicated upon ; and
(c) dispatch a copy of such decree to the Commissioner of Title Settlement.

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