Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Rent Restriction (Amendment) Act (No. 12 of 1966) - Sect 11

Amendment of section 21 of the principal Act. [ 10, 10 of 1961.]

11. Section 21 of the principal Act is hereby amended as follows :-
(1) in subsection (1) of that section- (a) by the substitution, for the word " three ", of the word " five ", and (b) by the substitution, for the word " two ", of the word " three " ;
(2) by the substitution, for subsection (5) of that section, of the following subsection :-
" (5)
(a) Every appeal to the Board of Review shall be heard at a meeting of three members of that board selected by the chairman of that board. The decision made on such appeal at such meeting shall be deemed to be the decision of the Board of Review on such appeal.
(b) Where the decision of the members of the Board of Review who hear any appeal is not unanimous, the decision of the majority of them shall be deemed to be the decision of that board.
(c) The chairman of the Board of Review, if he is one of the members of that board hearing any appeal to that board, or, if he is not one of them, one of those members nominated by such chairman shall preside at a meeting of those members.
(d) The powers conferred on the Board of Review by the succeeding provisions of this section may be exercised by the members of that board who hear any appeal to that board. " ; and
(3) in subsection (11) of that section, by the substitution, for the words " members of the board ", of the words " members of the board who heard the appeal".

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