Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Securities Exchange Of Sri Lanka (Amendment) Act (No. 18 of 2003) - Sect 34

Amendment of section 38 of the principal enactment

34. Section 38 of the principal enactment as amended by Act No. 26 of 1991 is hereby further amended as follows :
(1) in subsection (1) of that section, by the substitution for the words "resulting from the h1ilure of a licensed stock broker or licensed stock dealer to meet his contractual obligations.", of the words "as a result of any licensed stock broker or licensed stock dealer being found incapable of meeting his contractual obligations."; and
(2) in subsection (2) of that section -
(b) by the addition immediately after paragraph (h) thereof. of the following new paragraph :
"(c) such sums of money as may be credited from the Cess Fund under section 14B.".

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